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现代简约圆形餐桌 20人餐桌专门定做 -佛山电动详情

现代简约圆形餐桌 20人餐桌专门定做 -佛山电动

2024-03-05 11:06 作者:岳灵峰总厂

现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动餐桌
Liang Shiqiu said:; The high ideal of humanity should be that everyone can have leisure, and in addition to necessary tasks, they can also have leisure to be human and enjoy their lives& Rdquo; In our ideal life, we are busy racing and chasing fame and fortune every day. The loss of self and the imbalance of body and mind make us increasingly impatient. The hustle and bustle of the city should not be the whole of life. No matter how busy it is, there must be a space for peace of mind, and leisure is life. Leisure, often sent, having a tea room is enough.
现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动(
朴素的茶室空间,表现的是一种复杂、一种真正的宁静。像东晋的诗人陶渊明,现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动餐桌休息之余、饮酒致醉之后,在朝霞的辉映之下,在山岚的覆盖中,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”。一壶茶,两三知己,一间茶室,足以缓解这些压力,在这种紧张的气氛中,让本人抓紧,调整本人。
The simple tea room space expresses a complex and true tranquility. Like the poet Tao Yuanming of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, after resting and drinking alcohol to become intoxicated, under the glow of the morning sun and the cover of the mountain mist; Under the east fence of chrysanthemums, I leisurely see the southern mountains;. A pot of tea, two or three confidants, and a tea room are enough to relieve these pressures. In this tense atmosphere, let me hurry up and adjust myself.
现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动(
Although ancient life cannot completely avoid the hustle and bustle of carriages and horses, the happiness of being a tea person is that one can cultivate a fence and plant chrysanthemums in their heart. There is a tea room that only needs to be transparent and does not require too much decoration. It can be just a tea mat, a set of tea utensils, a bouquet of flower arrangements, and a few wooden chairs, which is complex but not complicated. Here, the turbulent years can be accommodated, and a beam of warm sunshine shines through the window, just falling on the tea mat. With half a day's leisure, it can withstand ten years of dust dreams.
现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动(
茶通六艺,六艺助茶。而六艺之中,尤以书画爲重,牵动着茶人感悟天地,回归自然、现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动餐桌追随自我。关于古人来说,书房是家中阅读、沉淀自我的重要所在。当书房和茶相遇,是源于千年骨血的相契相合,让传统文明在古代社会里得以优雅互存,分发出浓浓的生活气味。打造一款书房茶室,品茶、练字、读书,在书情画意中沉淀心灵,感受恬静。书籍是长明灯,带人走出喧嚣,走出浮华,走出浅薄,走出自我;茶带人走入岁月,走入宁静,走入悠远,走入神韵。而品茶阅读让人愉悦,令人沉醉。
Tea knows the six arts, and the six arts help tea. Among the six arts, calligraphy and painting are particularly important, influencing tea people to understand the world, return to nature, and follow themselves. For the ancients, the study was an important place for reading and settling oneself at home. When the study and tea meet, it is rooted in a thousand years of bone and blood, allowing traditional civilization to coexist elegantly in ancient society, emitting a strong smell of life. Create a study and tea room where you can enjoy tea, practice calligraphy, and read, immersing your soul in the beauty of books and paintings, and experiencing tranquility. Books are eternal lights that take people out of hustle and bustle, out of vanity, out of superficiality, out of self; Tea brings people into time, into tranquility, into distance, and into charm. Tea tasting and reading are enjoyable and intoxicating.
现代简约圆形餐桌  20人餐桌专门定做  -佛山电动(
Some people say that drinking tea in a group is a manifestation of depression and loneliness. Actually, books and tea are bridges to a peaceful mind. A book with a clear mind and deep contemplation, a tea with a clear mind and purified contemplation, a concentrated and refined taste, accompanied by books and tea, and forgetting both worries and joys. Scholar Yu Dan's response to&quo; Silence; It is explained in this way: ancient people often feared loneliness and equated it with loneliness and inner fulfillment. In practice, the true&quo; Silence; It is a kind of endless emptiness and emptiness. Without emptiness and tranquility in one's heart, one cannot understand the changes in all things in the world and cannot see the essence of the world.
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